Ar­chi­tec­ture Man­age­ment of OTF Com­put­ing Mar­kets

Collaborative Research Center 901 "On-The-Fly Computing" 

On-The-Fly IT Service Provision in dynamic markets

supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG),

Subproject C5 

"Architecture Management of OTF Computing Markets"

Members: Bahar Jazayeri

Contact: Bahar Jazayeri

Cooperation: University of Paderborn

Related Projects: EZB

External Funding: EZB


In our research, we investigate the design and development of future software systems. Our vision is that services are provided in a world-wide distributed market and are composed automatically in order to fulfill user requirements on-the-fly. These On-The-Fly Computing markets (OTF markets) can be customized to certain domains taking into account the constraints of that domain. Those constraints might be related to business models of OTF service providers, to software components, or to technical infrastructures as a base for composing or executing services. Thus, a fast, holistic, and consistent realization of these complex markets demands a well-defined architecture for these markets. Existing architectural frameworks distinguish between different types of architectures like business, software application, and infrastructure architectures. However, to achieve on-the-fly fulfillment of users' requirements, an orchestrated coordination between these architectures are needed that address the high dependencies between them.

Areas of Research:

  • Software Architecture
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Software Quality Assurance
  • Architecture Evaluation
  • Model-Based Software Development
  • Development of domain-specific languages