Col­lab­or­at­ive Re­search Centres (CRCs)

The goal of the CRC 901 "On-The-Fly Computing" (OTF Computing) is the development of techniques and methods for the automatic on-the-fly configuration and execution of individualised IT-services which are traded on worldwide available markets. Besides configuration provided by specialised OTF service providers and execution by so-called OTF compute centers, we develop methods for quality assurance and protection of customers and providers participating in the market, for a purposeful advancement of such markets and to support the interaction of the participants in dynamically changing markets.


Artificial intelligence (AI) seems incomprehensible and complex to many people. The Transregional Collaborative Research Centre “Constructing Explainability” (SFB/TRR 318) is developing ways to involve users in explanations involving AI. 
The interdisciplinary research team is approaching this topic from two angles: first by understanding the mechanisms, principles, and social practices behind explanations, and second, by considering how this can be designed into artificial intelligence systems. The goal of the project is to make explanatory processes more intelligible and to create easily understandable assistive systems.
A total of 21 project leads, supported by some 30 researchers at Bielefeld University and Paderborn University from a wide range of fields spanning from linguistics, psychology, and media studies to sociology, economics, and computer science are investigating the co-construction of explanations.