Sem­in­ar Ad­vanced Al­gorithms

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christian Scheideler

Module Information:

  • 5 ECTS

First Meeting:

  • Wed, Oct 28 at 6 pm via BBB


This time, we are focussing on papers that led to the Kanellakis Award. If you click on the names of the winners, you will find detailed information about why they won the prize and, in most cases, also the specific papers that led to the prize.

Bidding for topics:

Every student needs to submit a bid to by the end of Tuesday, November 3. The bid should contain the top three papers that he/she would like to work on.

Submission of almost final versions of the reports: end of January

Submission of final versions of reports: February 15

The seminar itself will take place as a block seminar at March 10-12. All participants are required to be present at the seminar.


Participants are expected to prepare a detailed report (~20 pages) and a presentation of their topic. Both need to be passed in order to pass the course, and both count 50% towards the final grade. Please be aware that reports are checked for plagiarism, so use your own words as much as possible and cite anything you take from other sources! If you are not sure about what is considered to be plagiarism, please consult the following leaflet.


It is highly recommended that participants of the seminar have a strong algorithms and theory background.