
Stefan Schmid

Theorie verteilter Systeme

Fürstenallee 11, F2

D - 33102 Paderborn


Mail: schmiste[at]mail.upb.de

Phone: +49-525 160 6724

Fax: +49-525 160 6697

Sprechstunde: Dienstag 15-16 Uhr oder nach Vereinbarung.

Research Interests: Dynamic networks (Internet, p2p, social networks, ...), distributed systems, algorithms, wireless computing, game theory. 

CV: I received my PhD from the Distributed Computing Group at ETH Zurich, and have worked at the Chair for Efficient Algorithms at the Technical University of Munich. Please visit my old websites at ETH and at TUM for more information. Now I am member of the group Theory of Distributed Systems

I joined the T-Lab INET group at TU Berlin. This website is no longer updated. Please visit my new website (or see here).









Book Chapters

  • Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (Ed.: Azzedine Boukerche)
    Chapter 4: "Modeling Sensor Networks" (Stefan Schmid and Roger Wattenhofer) 
    ISBN-10: 0471798134 
    (c) John Wiley & Sons, 2008


Some Talks

For new and additional slides contact me by email. For conference talks, see publications above.


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Miscellaneous Documents

Additional Tech Reports can be found on the institute websites.


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