Stu­dy Ab­road

As a Paderborn student, you have the opportunity to do part of your studies abroad. You would be enrolled for one or two semesters in a foreign university, where you take courses comparable to those at the University of Paderborn. A successful study abroad includes, in particular, that you take part in the examinations that are required at the host university.

The Computer Science Department recommends and supports studying abroad and, in cooperation with the International Office of the University of Paderborn, endeavors to maintain partnerships with interesting host universities and to establish new ones. A semester abroad can be carried out in both the Bachelor and Master courses in Computer Science.

A successful stay abroad requires planning. It is important to consider all formal procedures and application deadlines. If you are thinking about studying abroad, you should first get informed on general topics like administrative aspects, funding opportunities, and consultation events . An overview of all important information can be found in the International Office website.

The CS Department has more than 30 partner universities in Europe and overseas where you can study, including Brasil, Korea and China. You can find a full overview of the available partnerships in the Partner University portal of the International Office. Select the field of study „ Computer Science“. In addition, self-organized study-related stays abroad are possible (Freemover).

The Learning Agreement (LA) is a contract between the home university, the host university and the student regarding the choice of courses and their recognition. It guarantees the recognition of your achievements from studying abroad upon your return to Paderborn University. Therefore, it has to be prepared before the mobility starts.

Before starting the LA , please take a look at the general instructions and forms provided by the International Office.

To prepare the agreement in Computer Science, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the courses you would like to take abroad using the online catalog of the partner university.
  2. Assign the courses to local courses at the Paderborn University that are comparable in content. In this process, you can consult the list of courses that are automatically recognized at different partner universities. Fill this information in the Learning Agreement form, to create a LA proposal.

  3. The list of courses automatically recognized is not exclusive. Of course you can select courses outside this list! For courses that are not automatically recognized, we need to approve the equivalence for later recognition. For this purpose, you should submit, together with your LA proposal, the syllabus for each of these courses at the host university (original and English translation if not in English). In addition to the course content, the information should also show the number of ECTS / workload.
  4. Send the LA proposal by email to the CS Internationalization Officer (
  5. The Internationalization Officer will inform you as soon as the LA proposal has been reviewed (<2 weeks), and help you finalize it for the creation of the online Learning Agreement.
  6. Create the Digital Learning Agreement via Mobility Online, sign it and submit it.
  7. The digital Learning agreement is checked for accuracy and approved in Mobility Online.

If your course choice changes during your studies abroad, you must fill out and sign a "During the Mobility" Learning Agreement with the modifications.

After completing your studies abroad, you will have to collect the transcript of records of your achievements there to document the passed courses.

To get these courses credited, fill and sign the recognition form: “Application for Recognition of Examination Achievements” . Then send the form by email, attaching the transcript of records, to the CS Exchange Student Representative.

The conversion of grades from abroad to German grade scales is based on the Modified Bavarian Formula .

Con­tact per­sons

Contact the International Office  for administrative and general questions.

If you have questions related to your CS Learning Agreement or regarding credit recognition, please contact the CS Student Exchange Representative: Prof. Dr. Lin Wang