Foun­da­ti­ons of Cryp­to­gra­phy (in Eng­lish)

The lecture "Foundations of Cryptography" (FoC) will be taught in a "flipped classroom" style. After registering in PAUL for our course, you are enrolled (up to 24 hours later) to our PANDA course via which FoC will be organized. Concretely, each week we will provide online material (mostly consisting of lecture recordings from a previous term and lecture notes). Based on these contents, which you have to work upon by yourself, we'll have weekly in-class discussion rounds. In these rounds we'll briefly summarize the contents, ask you some questions on the topics, and give you the opportunity to ask questions. The duration depends on your questions and discussions resulting from these. The better you prepare, the more you may benefit from these in-class events. Additionally, we have mandatory as well as optional exercises and in-class tutorials (see details below and in our PANDA course).

Dates and Ti­mes

Discussion rounds take place each Thursday, beginning at 8:30am, in room O2. The first date is April 11. The duration depends on your questions and corresponding discussions. The better you prepare, the more you may benefit from these in-class events.
The in-class tutorial, takes place on Friday, 2-4pm, in room O1.258. The first date is April 12.


There are two types of homework which we provide via PANDA and Jupyter. These excercises help you to better understand the covered concepts or to realise where you need to have another look into the contents. Especially, it will help you to answer questions in the exam. You will also be able to earn bonus points for your grade.

Making a long story short: We strongly encourage you to thoroughly work on the homework.

Type-1 Homework

Type-1 homework (PANDA) is mandatory in order to earn the course achievement which you need to take the exam. It deals with the content of one specific week and is designed for repetition and comprehension. It can be solved within a short timeframe, assuming you've already put some work towards understanding the content.

Type-2 Homework

Type-2 homework (Jupyter) is designed to deepen your understanding by asking advanced questions (potentially spanning multiple topics). These are more time-intensive and may require you to come up with the right ideas. Solving these excersises grants a bonus for your final grade. Type-2 exercises can be solved in groups. Indeed, teaming up often results in a better understanding and, well, more fun.

Tu­to­ri­al Exer­ci­ses

Besides homework, we will provide tutorial exercises (via Jupyter). They will focus on central, more complex parts of the lecture contents and will be discussed in the live tutorials. Furthermore, these exercises may help you to deal with type-2 homework.

Cour­se Achie­ve­ment (Stu­dien­leis­tung) and Bo­nus Sys­tem

In order to be admitted to the exam, you have to obtain the course achievement. While concrete details are provided via PANDA, for FoC this usually means something similar to reaching 50% of the points on 70% of all type-1 exercises.

Given this requirement, you may achieve bonus steps on the grade of a passed exam, if you reach certain thresholds of type-2 exercise points (details via PANDA).


The exam will be an oral block exam. You need to register for the exam via PAUL. In PAUL you can also find further details regarding the registration phases. Please do not forget to register for the study achievement (Studienleistung). Relevant deadlines and phases are usually linked on the study service homepages.

We will offer two slots at the end of the semester, one at the beginning and one at the end of the lecture-free time. Concrete details will be announced via PAUL or PANDA.