Con­cep­tu­al­iz­a­tion and Pro­to­typ­ic­al Im­ple­ment­a­tion in WebGL of an Ex­er­cise in Col­or The­ory

Bachelor Thesis of Lukas Stratmann

Supervisor: Sabrina Heppner

Understanding digital color is important for a wide variety of people and their occupations, including photographers, illustrators, CG artists, web developers, as well as people working in data visualization, or on human-machine interfaces.
In this thesis, a selection of color spaces were researched and a concept was developed for visualizing these color spaces and for practicing the conversion between them.
The concept was implemented as a prototype using a variety of web development technologies, including WebGL via the Three.js library.
One goal was to make the product compatible with both desktop computers and mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets.
The efficacy and usability of the prototype were evaluated among students attending the lecture for computer graphics.


Link to application

This Bachelor Thesis was accepted into 6th Annual Faculty Submitted Sutend Work Exhibit at SIGGRAPH 2017. The submitted video can be seen here

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