Com­puter Sci­ence News

18th Pader­born IT Se­cur­ity Day on Septem­ber 3 and 4

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

Free registration until August 31

The "Digital Security" competence area of the SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn invites you to the 18th "Paderborn IT Security Day" on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 3 and 4. In presentations and workshops, numerous experts will shed light on current IT security topics and issues from a scientific and economic perspective - for example, "Online Identity and Access Management", "Cybersecurity Awareness" or "Communicating Vulnerabilities". "Our aim is to make digital security understandable, sustainable and comprehensible," explains Dr. Simon Oberthür, Manager of the "Digital Security" competence area at the SICP. The free event organized by Paderborn University will take place at Zukunftsmeile 2 (ZM2) in Paderborn. Interested parties can still register until August 31. The complete program and registration options can be found here on the event website.

The event is supported by the InnoZent OWL e. V. innovation network, the OWL regional group of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. and the district of Paderborn. Associate Prof. Dr. Diego F. Aranha from Aarhus University, Denmark, will give a keynote speech entitled "A decade probing the Brazilian voting system" on the first day of the event. "The keynote will report on several years of analytical work related to the security of the voting software used by more than 140 million voters in the Brazilian elections," explains Prof. Dr. Yasemin Acar, head of the "Empirical Software Engineering" group at Paderborn University and director of the SICP's "Digital Security" competence area. "The analysis is primarily based on the results of the hacking challenges organized by the Supreme Election Court. During the hacking challenges, several serious vulnerabilities were discovered in the voting software, which in combination compromised the most important security features of the devices," Acar continued. In his keynote speech, Aranha explained the history of vulnerability discovery and gave an outlook on the future of security research.

Stefan Korff, Head of Product Security & Privacy Smart Home/Electronics at Miele & Cie. KG, Gütersloh, will give the keynote speech on the second day of the event on the topic of "How future regulation will affect the work of product security teams". The presentation will cover the implementation of upcoming EU regulations such as the Radio Equipment Directive Delegated Act (RED DA) and the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). These are particularly challenging for product security teams. "The keynote will discuss the requirements and issues arising from the regulations and use examples to show why threat modeling and risk management processes play an important role in responding to them," explains Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden, Head of the Secure Software Engineering Group at Paderborn University.

(automatically translated)


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Dr. Simon Oberthür

Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP)

R&D Manager - Digital Security

Write email +49 5251 60-6822