Introducing Paderborn Computer Science!

On the following pages, we offer you an initial overview of the opportunities and programmes that the Department of Computer Science at Paderborn University has in store for you. Whether you are an interested pupil or already enrolled as a computer science student - here you will find guidance for the start of your studies, offers for further education during your studies and a general insight into what studying computer science can offer you.

The last steps before starting your studies!

Would you like to apply to study Computer Science at Paderborn University? Then you can find out about the admission requirements on the following page. If you have already successfully applied and received your acceptance letter, you will also find everything you need to know about the computer science and maths pre-courses here.

Study start:

Welcome to the Institute of Computer Science!

Have you successfully arrived at Paderborn University and still have some questions? Then you've come to the right place on the following pages. Here you will find everything you need to know for your first days at Paderborn University, get to know the various contact points on site and thus be able to orientate yourself smoothly at the university.