Com­puter Sci­ence News

Ca­reer Spring­board Prac­tice: Work on a Prac­tic­al Pro­ject - Ap­ply Know­ledge - Get to Know Em­ploy­ers

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The Career Service of the University of Paderborn offers practical projects for students in cooperation with regional employers in the coming winter semester of 2021/22.

The program "Karrieresprungbrett Praxis" (Career Springboard Practice) is aimed at students of all disciplines and offers the opportunity to get to know a regional company within the framework of a 3-day practical project and the chance to establish contact with a potential employer. It is a chance to make initial contacts that can lead to internships or entry-level, career start-up opportunities.

Participation provides insights into the respective (company) practice and the opportunity to apply and transfer the knowledge gained in courses being studied, in practical terms. Together with company experts, students can collaborate on currently running, in-company projects. This also provides the opportunity to gain information about job markets and fields of activity in addition to identifying individual, development opportunities.

The following practical projects are offered in the winter semester 2021/22:

  • ATLAS TITAN Mitte GmbH - Development of a strategy for the improvement of SEO measures for the company ATLAS TITAN
  • Connext Communication GmbH - Knowledge transfer in nursing practice
  • Fellowmind Germany - Programming of an HR application management & onboarding app
  • Rudolf Henrichsmeyer formaplan GmbH & Co. KG - Development of a concept for a (mobile) employee app for networking and shift planning
  • SALT AND PEPPER Technology GmbH & Co. KG - Development of a programme-supported teach-in function for motion sequences via rotationally driven to automated system solutions
  • WABSOLUTE GmbH - Creation of a product video for the digital training platform APPRENTIO

Registration is possible from now until 12.01.2022 via the registration form. Further information can be found at or directly from Annika Ballhausen at the Career Service of the University of Paderborn:

Please note: In order to be able to work successfully in the program, a very good knowledge of written and spoken German (at least C1) is required. The entire program will be held in German.