Com­puter Sci­ence News

"In­form­at­ics" be­comes "Com­puter Sci­ence": Mas­ter's de­gree pro­gramme with an in­ter­na­tion­al fo­cus at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

‘Informatics’ becomes “Computer Science”: Master's degree programme with an international focus at Paderborn University

Paderborn University has renamed its Master's degree programme in Computer Science: Under the new name ‘Computer Science’, students are prepared for a successful start to their careers as computer scientists. In addition to the renaming, the language of instruction has also been standardised so that the Master's degree programme is now officially taught in English. The course will start under the new name in the winter semester 2024/25 and applications can be submitted until 21 September.

Career in science or business possible

In the Master's degree programme, students deal with current trends as well as fundamental concepts and methods that endure beyond current content. In addition, detailed specialised knowledge is taught within the framework of the so-called ‘Focus Areas’. These focus areas include ‘Classical and Quantum Algorithm Design’, ‘Computer and Communication Systems’, ‘Data Science and Intelligent Systems’, ‘Security’ and ‘Software Engineering’. Students also learn methodological and project management skills in order to define goals and topics, organise solutions, lead teams and assess the non-technical effects of computer science. ‘This goal-orientation makes our graduates ideally qualified for careers in management positions or for further qualifications such as a doctorate,’ says Dr Harald Selke from the Institute of Computer Science at Paderborn University.

International science and partner universities

As computer science is an international science, Paderborn University hosts numerous students and lecturers from different countries. There are also partnerships with universities in the USA, Sweden, India, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Spain and Turkey. Students at Paderborn University do not have to pay tuition fees when studying abroad and the courses they attend are recognised for their further studies.

Further information on the Master's programme and the application process can be found on the programme website

Im Masterstudiengang „Computer Science“ werden die Studierenden auf einen erfolgreichen Start ins Berufsleben als Informatiker*innen vorbereitet.
