Com­puter Sci­ence News

In­form­a­tion event for changes in study course Com­puter En­gin­eer­ing (Bach­el­or & Mas­ter)

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Information event Computer Engineering

May 10th 2017, 17:00-19:00 hours, lecture room O2

With the upcoming winter semester 2017/18, new examination regulations for Computer Engineering come into effect which also lead to some changes in the curricula. In this event, we will present the changes, transition regulations and options for remaining in the current study program as well as for changing to the new one.

The event is organized in two parts:

- May 10th, 17:00 (sharp) - 18:00 hours, lecture room O2, Bachelor Computer Engineering (in German)

- May 10th, 18:00 (sharp) - 19:00 hours, lecture room O2, Master Computer Engineering (in English)

oto: Judith Kraft / Universität Paderborn