Com­puter Sci­ence News

"look upb": School­girl MINT Ment­or­ing at the Uni­ver­sity of Pader­born - Ap­plic­a­tions un­til Feb­ru­ary 26.

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At the beginning of March, the female STEM mentoring program "look upb" will start again at the University of Paderborn. The program is aimed at high school girls who are interested in studying a STEM subject (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology). The aim is to support the schoolgirls in their choice of study program and to inspire them to study STEM subjects. Interested female students can apply by February 26. For more information on the mentoring program and to register, visit: Due to the Corona pandemic, the program is offered in a mixed format of digital and classroom sessions.

"look upb" offers schoolgirls a practical insight into the STEM degree programs at the University of Paderborn. For one semester, a female student of a scientific or technical course of study assists the participating schoolgirls as a mentor. During this time, the students can gain exciting insights into everyday university life and examine their personal and professional skills and development opportunities. Together with the students, the schoolgirls attend lectures - in compliance with hygiene regulations or online if necessary - and get to know the campus, the library and much more. In addition, a supporting program with further events such as an excursion to a regional company is offered.

(Picture: look upb)


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