Com­puter Sci­ence News

New ap­plic­a­tion phase for the ment­or­ing pro­gram starts!

 |  EIM-NachrichtenEI-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

The mentoring program for doctoral students has become a fundamental tool for human resources development at Paderborn University. The program aims at supporting female doctoral students during their Ph.D. and offers them an opportunity to become more familiar with possible academic careers through the insight view of an experienced mentor. In addition, it also focuses on strategies for success in an academic context and supports professional networking.

The Program offers a 15-month mentoring program supporting our participants concerning their career development, including:
• one-to-one-mentoring with a female professor from another university to share personal and professional experiences
• the opportunity to build a strong interdisciplinary network consisting of female doctorate students
• workshops to improve your position in academia

Participation in the middle of the doctoral period is recommended.
On Wednesday, 16.06.2021, the team is offering a digital, one-hour information event at 16.00 for all interested women. Registrations can be made via this link:

More information (additional information in English will be added as soon as possible):

Application deadline: 4th August 2021

As our program depends on your active participation, please make sure you can meet the set dates before applying. The first important dates are the 24th and 25th September. During those days the program will start officially, and you will get to know the other mentees. The application deadline for the programme is 04.08.2021. After that, the dates for the interviews will be selected. The interviews will take place from 23.08.2021.

Application form for Mentees: