So many interested people came to the Science Day 2018 that the room was almost too small. 30 guests came to listen to the presentations from all institutes of the EIM. In each presentation a doctoral student had the opportunity to introduce the topic of his or her promotion within six minutes. "A lot of doctoral students even have expressed the wish to organize the Science Day two times a year" said Dr. Markus Holt, managing director of the faculty EIM. They would have especially welcomed the possibilty to get to know each other and to make new contacts. Besides many had reported back that it is a great possibilty to practise the presentation of their thesis topic without a professor being present. "I don’t know yet whether there actually will be to Science Days per year, but it has certainly been not the last one" promised Dr. Markus Holt.
Muhammad Nabeel and Chandrasekar Ganesan have won the Science Day this year.
The Science Day was a Success