Com­puter Sci­ence News

Study or­gan­isa­tion made easy - PAUL in­tro­duc­tion for Com­puter En­gin­eer­ing stu­dents

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

The "Paderborn Assistance System for University and Teaching", better known as PAUL, is unavoidable during your studies at the University of Paderborn. Whether for course or exam registrations, PAUL is and remains the most important address for one's own study organisation.

The system seems quite complex at first. But it is not only first-semester students who have to face some challenges. Most students need a little refresher course on PAUL every now and then in the course of their studies.

To match this, there is now a video series that explains the various functions in PAUL step-by-step. In the "PAUL Introduction", Computer Engineering students will find everything they need to know and consider when using PAUL.

The videos are available here on YouTube.