Com­puter Sci­ence News

Teach­er train­ing pro­­gramme in tech­no­­logy starts at Pader­­born Uni­ver­­s­ity

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

Innovative lesson design for the teachers of tomorrow is essential in order to respond proactively to current social challenges and developments. Paderborn University is therefore expanding its teacher training programme to include technology as a new teaching subject from the winter semester 2024/25. Initially, Bachelor of Education programmes for teaching at Hauptschule, Realschule, Sekundarschule and Gesamtschule (HRSGe) as well as Gymnasium and Gesamtschule (GyGe) will start. From the winter semester 2025/26, Master of Education programmes based on these will begin. Applications for the open-admission degree programmes are still possible until 21 September.

"A teacher training course in technology is of interest to anyone who enjoys working with children and young people and is enthusiastic about technical subjects, inventions and future developments," says Prof. Dr. Katrin Temmen from the Department of Teaching Technology, describing the particular appeal of the new subject. Together with Dr. Gabriela Jonas-Ahrend, also from the Department of Teaching Technology, she played a leading role in setting up the courses. Jonas-Ahrend adds: "Theory and practice are combined in technology teaching like in no other subject. Future students will not only get to know lecture halls, but will also work independently in modern laboratories."

From the outset, the practice-oriented degree programme combines the development of technical expertise and practical skills with the development of pedagogical and didactic competencies. It is always orientated towards social challenges and innovations.

Detailed information on studying technology as a subject for secondary schools (Hauptschule, Realschule, Sekundarschule and Gesamtschule) can be found here.

In addition, information on studying technology as a subject for grammar schools and comprehensive schools (GyGe) can be found here.



Foto (Universität Paderborn, Besim Mazhiqi): Im neuen Unterrichtsfach Technik sind Theorie und Praxis vereint, sodass die Lehramtsstudierenden sowohl im Hörsaal als auch in modernen Laboren lernen und arbeiten werden.
