Com­puter Sci­ence News

New videos: „Study abroad in Pader­born“ for in­ter­na­tion­al stu­dents

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Once again there are new videos on the faculty’s YouTube channel: „Study abroad in Paderborn“. Those videos are especially made for international students who consider studying abroad in Paderborn. Professors, academic staff, Phd’s and students explain anything you need to know about studying abroad and studying specifically in Paderborn.

There are five categories of videos:

  • The University
  • Study @UPB: Why?
  • How to study @UPB
  • Getting here
  • Everyday life in Paderborn

Prof. Dr. Holger Karl, head of the institute for Computer Science, explains the importance of the videos: „Paderborn University already has a large number of students from aboard. But in the past, we have observed that there are a lot of questions that repeat themselves, and also a lot of aspects where we are not perfectly clear. So to help students interested in studying here, we produced a couple of videos. In short, 1-2 minute videos we introduce German universities in general and Paderborn in particular; we go over application procedures and everyday aspects, and we talk about some specific Master programs that are offered in English, like the Computer Science or Computer Engineering Master. We hope that anybody thinking about studying here will find these videos useful. If you have any comments or ideas for other videos, please let us know!“

The videos can be found on the faculty’s YouTube channel:

Graphik: Videostandbild FakultaetEIM/Nadija Carter