Com­puter Sci­ence News

Could you also sup­port the COV­ID-19 vac­cine de­vel­op­ment?

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

Since the computer science rooms at the University of Paderborn cannot currently be used, the institute has decided to let the computers participate in the University of Stanford’s, Folding@home-project. The unused computing power of the new, fast computer systems has been made available for simulations of protein structures. This is important, in order to better understand the effect and action of the SARS-CoV-2, and therefore to be able to develop a vaccine.

A complex task is distributed among several computers and their performance is utilized to complete the set task. Due to the distributed computing, unused processing resources of personal computers on which the software is installed, can then be used. Participants receive parts of a simulation, calculate them and then send them back to the project's database server. An overall simulation is then created.

You too can now also take part in the project and join the IT team!

Team name: Paderborn University Department of Computer Science

Team ID: 252827

Team statistics:

Further information and the required software can be found on the official website of the project:

(Photo: Paderborn University, Judith Kraft)The Institute for Computer Science at the Paderborn University is also participating in the Folding@home project and provides computer capacities.