Com­puter Sci­ence News

Video: 3 Ques­tions for Prof. Dr.–Ing. habil. Falko Dressler

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

This week it is Prof. Dr.–Ing. habil. Falko Dressler’s turn at "3 Questions for …". Among other things he explains why he chose the University as his employer and explains which areas cover his research focus Adaptive Wireless Communication.

The video is available here:

Moreover he answers questions in the chat. In that chat he is online on monday, april 15, from 2pm to 4pm.

(As soon as Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dressler goes online, a blue button will appear on the bottom in the right corner. Within one klick on that button, you can chat with him immediately.)

Bild: Videostandbild FakultaetEIM