Com­puter Sci­ence News

Wel­come Week for in­ter­na­tion­al Stu­dents

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Last week the Welcome Week for international students took place at the University of Paderborn. Before courses and first examinations start, students from all over the world got the chance to meet their fellow students, to get to know the campus and to learn about special offers at the university. Besides everything related with studies the program which lasts for the entire week contained a city rally and a pub crawl through the city of Paderborn.

23–year–old Apoorva Ravishankar from India also took part. She arrived in Paderborn on March 24th in order to complete her Master in Computer Science within the next two years. The Welcome Week is a good start for her studies in Germany: “The Welcome Week has been pleasant. I enjoyed all the activities offered by the International Office and AStA!” Even though it is not her first time in Europe and she is familiar with other alternatives she consciously chose Paderborn: “Paderborn has a great reputation especially for Computer Science – after all it is the University of the Information Society!”, she adds. What she likes most about the location of Paderborn is that the Heinz Nixdorf Institute offers courses for students and she can work together with researches; as something like that doesn’t exist in her home country.

The Welcome Week has been taken well – about 50 international students have already arrived before the beginning of the semester in order to participate during the Welcome Week. That way they received a good start into their studies at the University of Paderborn. Apoorva has quickly established new contacts and looks forward to her master’s program at the institute for Computer Science.

(Foto: Luca Jurczyk) Apoorva Ravishankar (Mitte) mit ihren Kommilitonen Vikrant Singh (links) und Barun Kumar. Alle drei sind aus Indien gekommen, um in Paderborn zu studieren.