Com­puter Sci­ence News

Yasemin Acar gives key­note ad­dress at heise devSec: "The hu­man factor in se­cure soft­ware de­vel­op­ment".

 |  CS-Nachrichten

On September 25, Professor Yasemin Acar from the Paderborn University gave the keynote address at heise devSec in Cologne, a conference for secure software and web development, on the topic of “The human factor in secure software development”.

In her presentation, she explained why technologies are only as secure as their operation by users – this applies not only to end users, but also to tools in software development. Holistic secure software development means dealing with how developers work. Furthermore, she advocated that software development tools must be usable and fit into everyday development. She asked what documentation and examples should look like to enable truly secure use without slowing down development. In her keynote, Ms. Acar explained how these questions can be answered based on research results from the area of “The Human Factor in Secure Software Development”.

Since 2017, heise devSec has been the most important German-language training and networking event for developers and architects who focus on security.

(automatic translation)

Prof. Dr. Yasemin Acar at the heise DevSec Conference