All previously released podcast episodes:


#44 ERC - Grant with Prof Dr Eric Bodden
In the 44th episode of the “All Day Research” podcast, Dr. Harald Selke from the Computer Science Office talks to Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden about the ERC grant, the funding landscape and Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden's research plans.

#43 - Special end of year episode - PhD students
The "All Day Research" podcast presents a special Christmas episode! In this special episode, Yasemin Sencan, student assistant in the PR team of the faculty EIM, talks to Aniruddh Rao, doctoral candidate and research assistant in the field of Computer Engineering.

Sorry, no December episode
Unfortunately there will be no December episode of the All Day Research Podcast due to health reasons. We apologise for this. Between the holidays, however, there will be a special end-of-year episode and from next year it will continue as usual.

#41 - Virtual chemistry lab with Dr Matthias Fischer
In the 41st episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, Dr Rita Hartel from the Computer Science Office talks to Dr Matthias Fischer about project groups and the virtual chemistry lab.

#40 - Talk Lounge Teaching - Starting a degree in Computer Science
In the 40th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, Dr Jana Seep from the Computer Science Office talks to Carina Sivakumar and Josephine Mönnich about starting a degree in Computer Science at Paderborn University.

#39 - with Prof.Dr. Stefan Sauer
In the 39th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Prof. Dr. Stefan Sauer, who talks to our host Marvin Beckmann about the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP).
#38 - with Dr.Ing. Xiaojun Yang
In the 38th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Dr. Ing. Xiaojun Yang, who talks to our host Marvin Beckmann about starting a business and her own company.
#37 - Sustainable IoT Devices with Prof Dr Lin Wang
In the 37th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Prof Dr Lin Wang, who talks to our host Marvin Beckmann about sustainable IoT devices and systems.
#36 - Talk Lounge Teaching - Combined degree programme
In the 36th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, Dr Jana Seep from the Computer Science Office talks to Professor Dr Marco Platzner about the combined degree programme in Computer Engineering.
#35 - Sorry, no episode this month
This month's episode has unfortunately been cancelled. We apologise and are very committed to producing an episode for you as usual. Episode as mp3 episode on Spotify Episode on Apple Podcasts
#34 - Data Stream Mining with Prof. Dr. Trautmann
In the 34th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Prof. Dr. Heike Trautmann, who talks to our host Marvin Beckmann about data stream mining, machine learning and optimisation.
#33 - Talk Lounge Teaching
In the 33rd episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, students Adrian Block and Lukas Ostermann talk to Dr Harald Selke, Head of the Academic Office, about the reaccreditation of the Computer Science degree programme.
#32 - Episode with Dietrich Gerstenberger
In the 32nd episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Dietrich Gerstenberger who talks to our presenter Marvin Beckmann about the Learning Centre for Computer Science (LZI) and the science that goes with it.
#31 - Review of 2023 with Prof.Dr. Eric Bodden
In this podcast, Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden talks with Marvin Beckmann about the year 2023, the coming year 2024 and answers questions from students at Paderborn University.
#30 - with Prof. Dr. Ivan Habernal
In the 30th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast we welcome Prof. Dr. Ivan Habernal who talks to our host Marvin Beckmann about Natural Language Processing and its use in understanding law.
#29 - with Prof.Dr. Daniel Beverungen
In the 29th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast we welcome Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen. Together with our host Marvin Beckmann, he talks about the background and organisation of a conference.
#28 - with Prof.Dr Patricia Arias Cabarcos
In the 28th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Prof. Dr Patricia Arias Cabarcos. Together with our host Marvin Beckmann, she talks about the types of authentication in the field of IT security.
#27 - Behind the scenes at the IMT with Prof.Dr.Gudrun
In the 27th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Prof. Dr. Gudrun Oevel. Together with our host Marvin Beckmann, she takes a look behind the scenes of the Centre for Information and Media Technologies (IMT) at Paderborn University.
#26 - Living, learning and working at Paderborn University
In the 26th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Christina Rohde, the first chairwoman of the Mathematics and Computer Science Student Council. Together with our host Marvin Beckmann, she talks about studying, working and living on campus at Paderborn University.
#25 - Quantumnetworks with Dr Zahra Raissi
In the 25th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Dr Zahra Raissi. Together with our host Marvin Beckmann, she talks about her research in quantum computing
#24 - with Prof.Dr. Carsten Schulte
In the 24th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast we welcome Prof. Dr. Carsten Schulte. Together with our presenter Marvin Beckmann, he talks about the topic of artificial intelligence in everyday life - digital artefacts in the Transregio project.
#23 - AI as an interdisciplinary project
In the 23rd episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome two guests. Junior Professor Dr Sebastian Peitz and Dr Oliver Wallscheid talk to our host Marvin Beckmann about artificial intelligence (AI) as an interdisciplinary project.
#22 - Knowledge graphs and AI with Prof Dr Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo
In the twenty-second episode of All Day Research, Prof Dr Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo is our guest. Together with Marvin Beckmann, he talks about knowledge graphs and artificial intelligence. Among other things, he talks about the areas of application of knowledge graphs and various research projects in which Prof Dr Ngonga Ngomo is involved.
#21 - Biometric systems with Dr.-Ing. Phillip Terhörst
In the twenty-first episode of All Day Research, Dr.-Ing. Philipp Terhörst is our guest. Together with Marvin Beckmann, he talks about biometric systems. One of the topics is social bias in biometric facial recognition. If you like the podcast, we would be delighted if you would rate it.
#20 - Self-employed in the. Liang Wu
In the twentieth episode of All Day Research, Dr Liang Wu is our guest. Together with Marvin Beckmann, he talks about self-employment in computer science. Among other things, he talks about Dr. Wu's work as a transfer scout at the EIM faculty and the Technology Transfer and Business Start-up Centre (TecUP) at Paderborn University.
#19 - Review of 2022 with Dr Harald Selke
In the nineteenth episode of All Day Research, Dr Harald Selke is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, he talks about the year 2022 in this special episode, answers questions and suggestions from students and gives an outlook for 2022.


#18 - Communication between vehicles
In the eighteenth episode of All Day Research, Dr Florian Klingler is our guest. Together with Marvin Beckmann, he talks about communication between vehicles. Among other things, he talks about efficient communication in highly mobile radio networks and Klingler's work as a deputy professor.
#17 - Didactics of Computer Science with Dr Lea Budde
In the seventeenth episode of All Day Research, Dr Lea Budde is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, she talks about the didactics of computer science. Among other things, she talks about computer science education in schools.
#16 - FPGAs with Prof Dr Marco Platzner
In the sixteenth episode of All Day Research, Prof Dr Marco Platzner is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, he talks about FPGAs. Among other things, he talks about the goals of his current research and upcoming projects in connection with FPGAs.
#15 - Women in STEM studies with Dr Stephanie Forge
In the fifteenth episode of All Day Research, Dr Stephanie Forge is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, she talks about the topic of women in STEM studies. Among other things, they talk about various study orientation programmes in the field of women's advancement.
#14 - Fachschaftsrat
In the fourteenth episode of All Day Research, we swap roles and are delighted to welcome Lukas Ostermann as a guest. Together with Prof Dr Juraj Somorovsky, he talks about the topic of student councils. Among other things, they talk about the opportunities for students to get involved in university politics.
#13 - Cryptography
In the thirteenth episode of All Day Research, Prof Dr Johannes Blömer is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, he talks about cryptography. Among other things, they discuss the relevance of cryptography and the general confidentiality of users' private data.
#12 - Attack-proof software designs
In the twelfth episode of All Day Research, Prof Dr Eric Bodden is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, he talks about the topic of attack-proof software designs. Among other things, he talks about static code analysis, his work at Fraunhofer IEM and the constant change in software development.
#11 - Starting an academic career
The eleventh episode of All Day Research features Tim Hansmeier and Thilo von Neumann, both recent graduates in Computer Engineering, and together with Lukas Ostermann they talk in separate interviews about starting an academic career and their current work as research assistants.
#10 - Quantum Computing
In the tenth episode of All Day Research, Prof Dr Sevag Gharibian is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, he talks about quantum computing. Among other things, he talks about the aims of his field of research and the use of quantum computers in industry, for example.
#9 - Multi-objective optimisation
This time our guest is Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peitz. Together with Lukas Ostermann, he talks about the topic of multi-goal optimisation. Among other things, they talk about the interdisciplinary approach of the research field and how complex topics from politics and society can be understood from the perspective of the systematic approach of computer science.

#8 - Annual review 2021
In the eighth episode of All Day Research, Institute Director Prof Dr Christian Scheideler is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, he talks about 2021 in this special episode, answers questions from students and gives an outlook for 2022.

#7 - Computer Science and Society
In the seventh episode of All Day Research, Prof Dr Tobias Matzner is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, he talks about computer science and society. Among other things, he talks about artificial intelligence and the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre SFB 318 "Constructing Explainability".

# 6 - Collaborative Research Centre 901
In the sixth episode of All Day Research, Dr. Ulf-Peter Schroeder is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, he talks about the Collaborative Research Centre 901, including the special features of a Collaborative Research Centre and how it is financed.
#5 - Social Bias
In the fifth episode of All Day Research, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Henning Wachsmuth is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, he talks about the topic of social bias. Among other things, he talks about social bias in AI systems, the problems that can arise from it and how these can be counteracted.

#4 - Socio-technical systems
In the fourth episode of All Day Research, Dr Felix Winkelnkemper is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, he talks about the topic of socio-technical systems in computer science. They talk about the design of user interfaces and why computer history is important for computer science students.

#3 - High Performance Computing
In the third episode of All Day Research, Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, he talks about high performance computing. The focus is on sustainability in relation to mainframe computers and how students at Paderborn University can also gain practical experience with a high-performance computing system.

#2 - Network security
In the second episode of All Day Research, Prof Dr Juraj Somorovsky is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, he talks about the topic of network security. In addition to research, they also talk about personal stories and how Prof Dr Somorovsky manages to get his students excited about the research field.

#1 - 5G
In the first episode of All Day Research, Prof Dr Holger Karl is our guest. Together with Lukas Ostermann, he talks about 5G, his own time as a student and reveals who influenced his teaching style.