Long-run processes
By long-running jobs we mean all remote jobs that run without an interactive console connection and calculate something over a longer period of time, such as simulations for scientific papers.
Please contact us if you would like to run such jobs.
In general, the following options are available:
- Parallel use of the pool computers
- Reservation of individual pool computers
- Provision of a dedicated virtual machine
If your computing requirements cannot be covered by these options, we recommend that you contact the PC². General information about the PC² can be found at
- https://pc2.uni-paderborn.de/hpc-services/available-systems/available-hpc-systems
- https://uni-paderborn.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PC2DOK/overview
Information on applying for cluster resources and registering for them can be found here:
- https://pc2.uni-paderborn.de/hpc-services/our-services/system-access-application
- https://uni-paderborn.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PC2DOK/pages/12944205/Access+and+Login
Use of the pool computers for cross-country skiers
We tolerate the use of our public pool computers for smaller long-runners, provided that local operations, in particular exercises, are not affected.
However, please note the following points:
- You should inform us briefly about your use if your jobs are running for several hours.
- We give no guarantee that your jobs will run smoothly. For example, local users could shut down the computer.
- In particular, we reserve the right to terminate your jobs at any time and without prior warning.
- Computers can be switched on via Wake-on-Lan using the list of pool computers
- Your Kerberos ticket expires 10 hours after login. However, you can renew it for up to 7 days with the command kinit -R.