Com­puter Sci­ence Learn­ing Centre (LZI)

As part of the "Heterogeneity as an opportunity" programme within the Teaching Quality Pact, the Computer Science Learning Centre contributes to improving study conditions.

It offers all students on a computer science degree programme at Paderborn University space for joint or individual learning.

A contact person is available at certain times to answer technical questions about the content of the degree programme as well as learning and working methods.

It is also possible to arrange a personal appointment for individual problems!

Do you have a specific concern that you would like to discuss with the tutors at the Learning Centre? Then get in touch with us! You can contact us in German and English.

LZI mail­ing list

The LZI mailing list is used by the Computer Science Learning Centre to distribute important news, event information, etc. relating to computer science studies at Paderborn University. Only the management of the Learning Centre and associated SHKs/WHBs will post to this list. To be included in this mailing list, you can simply register yourself. Please follow the link below and fill out the prepared form: You can register here

The Com­puter Sci­ence Learn­ing Centre of­fers:

  • Two rooms with space for learning, working and discussing (room E1.121 and E1.125)
  • A good working environment with whiteboard, PC equipment, etc.
  • Connection to the student council, e.g. contacts, old exams and exam protocols
  • Tips and tricks for optimising your everyday study and learning life
  • Regular seminars and workshops on study-related topics (see link to current programme below)
  • PANDA course with discussion forum, information on office hours and other useful links relating to studying computer science

The LZI Meta­verse

The LZI has been awarded the Teaching Advancement Prize and we now have the opportunity to set up our own Metaverse as a common meeting place and for digital teaching and learning. There will be meeting points for socialising and places for learning together in a digital open world.

I would like to say: "Get your avatars ready!", but there is still a lot to do before it starts and the LZI is dependent on your support. Please visit the metaverse details page and see what exactly is involved and what needs to be done. Then get in touch with me with your ideas and feedback.

business-card image

Dietrich Gerstenberger

Didactics of Informatics

Leitung Lernzentrum Informatik

Write email +49 5251 60-6611

Under the title "Learning to learn", a series of 15-minute teaching units on topics in the field of self-organisation and learning techniques will be inserted into the courses for first-semester students in the 2018/19 winter semester.

The slide sets will soon be available for download here.

News from the Audit Committee