As of now, doctoral students can register for the offers of the Competence Centre Writing in the first half of the year. All offers provide support for scientific writing in the doctoral phase:
Workshop on dealing with peer reviews Workshop for all scientists* in earlier stages of their career who need to revise texts after peer reviews, for example submissions to an edited volume or to a journal. Date: Monday, February 1, 2021, 11:30 a.m.-3:30…
The Software Campus is again looking for new participants starting February 8. The program offers master students and doctoral candidates in computer science the opportunity to carry out their own project within two years. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the program with up to 100,000 euros. In addition to technical skills, the program aims to impart competencies in areas such as management, entrepreneurship and…
Students of the University of Duisburg Essen are looking for subjects for their online study as part of their research project at the Chair of Professional Communication in Electronic Media / Social Media. The study focuses on the behaviour of researchers and how they can be supported by a conversational agent. Participation will take about 30 minutes
Sometimes it takes a little patience before the harvest of work can be reaped: The publication "ReconOS: Multithreaded Programming for Reconfigurable Computers", which Prof. Dr. Marco Platzner, head of the research group "Computer Engineering", and Dr. Enno Lübbers, alumnus of the institute, published in 2009 at the "IEEE Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems", was inducted into the "Hall of Fame" by the TCFPGA of the ACM SIGDA and honored…
Despite the very unusual year 2020, we as students and staff of the Department have managed to face the challenges with creative solutions. At this point, many thanks to all of you! We are looking forward to a new year 2021, in which we will do our best for research and teaching in the Department. For the upcoming holidays, we wish you all good rest and the opportunity to gather new strength.
In the winter semester 2020/21, the Career Service will again offer interesting events for students regarding professional goal settings, career planning and career entry.
Immediately, up to 31 January, all studying the 3. -8- Semester in the Bachelor course of computer science has the possibility in the CHE inquiry to participate. "The Department expressly encourages participation and would be pleased about a high rate of responses”, so Professor Dr. Holger Karl, director of the department for computer science.
This winter semester 2020/21, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics has a total of 72 enrolled international students - out of a total of 134 at the whole UPB. Every year, shortly before lectures start, there is a special Welcome Week for the group of students from all over the world to welcome them at the University of Paderborn, to give them all the information they need to start their studies and to make it…
As of now, the Annual Report of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics is available as an electronic version in a responsive magazine design.
The annual report summarizes all important events that have shaped our faculty in the past year. In addition to reports from research and teaching, the most important awards as well as facts and figures from 2019 can be read in condensed form.
The annual report is of…
Der aktuelle Durchgang der Tutor*innen-Qualifizierung startet am 6.11.2020. Er wird in einem Blended Learning Format (ein PANDA-Kurs und Videokonferenzen) und damit komplett online angeboten.
The Euclidean Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP) is a classical optimization problem which is of high relevance for science and industry. Although it has been well-studied for decades, there is no algorithm in the class of inexact TSP optimization that is superior to all its competitors.
Universität Paderborn mit mehreren Wissenschaftlern beteiligt – Forschungseinrichtung wird mit 10,7 Millionen Euro gefördert
Wie wird künstliche Intelligenz die Arbeitswelt verändern? Wie können kleine und mittlere Unternehmen neue Technologien einsetzen, um ihre Beschäftigten zu entlasten und ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu steigern? Und wie können Mitarbeitende auf den digitalen Wandel vorbereitet werden? Antworten auf diese Fragen liefert das…
[Translate to English:] (Foto: Universität Paderborn, Cinderella Welz) Die Zentrale Studienberatung lädt zu einem „Herbstspaziergang“ über den Campus ein.
Universität Paderborn bietet Schülerinnen und Schülern Online-Workshops und „Herbstspaziergänge“ auf dem Campus
Wer nächstes Jahr das Abitur in der Tasche haben wird, derzeit aber noch unsicher ist, welche Studienrichtung passen könnte, kann im Oktober an mehreren Angeboten zur Studienwahlorientierung der Universität Paderborn teilnehmen. Die Zentrale Studienberatung bietet neben zwei Online-Workshops am Donnerstag, 15. Oktober, 14 Uhr, und…