Com­puter Sci­ence News

The "All Day Research" podcast presents a special Christmas episode! In this special episode, Yasemin Sencan, student assistant in the PR team of the faculty EIM, talks to Aniruddh Rao, doctoral candidate and research assistant in the field of Computer Engineering.

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Excellent study organisation, extensive support from teaching staff and the integration of digital teaching elements: The Computer Science degree programme at Paderborn University is impressive in the latest ranking for Master's degree programmes by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE).

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Freely accessible computer programmes that users are allowed to download, modify and distribute - that's what so-called "open source software" is all about.

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Christina Kolb, now Assistant Professor of Cyber Security and Resilience at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, talks about her career path from a mathematics student to a researcher in the field of cyber security.

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In the 41st episode of the “All Day Research” podcast, Dr. Rita Hartel from the Computer Science Office talks to Dr. Matthias Fischer about project groups and the virtual chemistry lab.

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Dis­tin­guished Lec­ture by Pro­fess­or Chris­ti­an Käst­ner

On January 7, 2025, Professor Christian Kästner will give a lecture entitled “From Models to Systems: On the Role of Software Engineering for Machine Learning” at the invitation of the Institute of Computer Science.

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Open­ing of the study of­fice on cam­pus

We are pleased to inform you that you can now visit us at our new premises on campus. You will find us in the E-building in rooms E1.125 and E1.129, directly opposite the student council.

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At the symposium "The future of mobility in rural areas" on 6 and 7 November, the focus will be on solutions that drive forward the mobility transition: It is about technical innovations in public transport, innovative authorisation procedures for autonomous driving and new business models through smart services.

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Starting in the winter semester 2024/25, the Faculty of Cultural Studies at the University of Paderborn will be hosting a new “International Lecture Series”.

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In the 40th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, Dr. Jana Seep from the Computer Science Office talks to Carina Sivakumar and Josephine Mönnich about starting to study computer science at Paderborn University.

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On September 25, Professor Yasemin Acar from the Paderborn University gave the keynote address at heise devSec in Cologne, a conference for secure software and web development, on the topic of “The human factor in secure software development”.

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Dr Martin Dräxler, currently Head of Cross-Divisional Digitalisation at Weidmüller Interface in Detmold, has had a remarkable academic and professional career. Even as a child, he developed a passion for computer science that has stayed with him ever since.

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Arbeit­er­ Kennen­lern-Work­shop in Pader­born

Am 12.10. bietet Sabine Hoffmann zusammen mit der Moderatorin Nicole Reckmann einen Kennenlern-Workshop in Paderborn an. ermutigt Schüler:innen aus Familien ohne Hochschulerfahrung dazu, als Erste in ihrer Familie zu studieren.

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"When the quanta dance in the computer. A journey into the wonderful world of quantum computing" is the title of the public Science Talk organised by the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems, PhoQS for short, at Paderborn University on Monday, 7 October.

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For his research work in the field of computer science, Junior Professor Dr Sebastian Peitz from Paderborn University has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant worth 1.5 million euros by the European Research Council (ERC).

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