The math circle of the University of Paderborn serves to promote young mathematical talent and will meet in spring/summer 2024 on Saturdays April 20, 2024, May 4, 2024 and June 8, 2024, each from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., online with the video conferencing software Zoom.
"From my own experience and through exchanges with other academics, I know that there is still a lot to be done for equal opportunities and justice, and I would like to help," says Dr. Charlene Weiß.
In the 32nd episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Dietrich Gerstenberger who talks to our host Marvin Beckmann about the study centre for computer science (LZI) and the science that goes with it.
For around three years, Paderborn University has been one of Germany's national high-performance computing centers - and thus at the forefront of university high-performance computing (HPC). The Paderborn supercomputer "Noctua 2" and the academic support of the experts are used by scientists throughout Germany for highly complex calculations. 140,000 compactly installed processor cores in the supercomputer make this possible.
The stuff of science fiction films: For decades, so-called "programmable matter" has inspired filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts worldwide. It is able to change its shape and properties, such as color, form and elasticity, either independently or based on external influences.
Prof. Dr. Sevag Gharibian, head of the Quantum Informatics group, has published a guest article in the ACM SIGACT News. Gharibian addresses a broad audience of theoretical computer scientists and uses NP (non-deterministic polynomial time) as a cornerstone of complexity theory.
The alumni association "Die Matiker e.V." at the University of Paderborn organizes the following two lectures as part of the lecture series „Job Profiles in Mathematics and Computer Science" on Thursday, January 18th 2024 at 6:15 p.m. in lecture hall D2 (both lectures will take place one after the other on that date, a total of approx. 90 minutes).
Have you ever thought about doing a doctorate?
In 2024 we will offer the one-to-one mentoring program perspEktIve M again. perspEktIve M is aimed at female students related to the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics who are at least in their 4th bachelor's semester or already in their master's degree. The aim of the program is to inform female students about careers in science.
In the 31st episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we once again welcome Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden. Together with our host Marvin Beckmann, he reviews the past year 2023, provides initial insights into the coming year and answers questions from students and employees of the Faculty.
Am 7.12.2023 fand ein Doppel-Vortrag der Reihe "Berufsbilder der Mathematik und Informatik" des Ehemaligenvereins Die Matiker e.V. an der Universität Paderborn statt.
On December 5, 2023, the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics bid farewell to its former Dean, Prof. Dr. Gregor Engels, on his retirement with a festive colloquium.
Quantum research is producing incredible technologies and overcoming boundaries that were previously considered insurmountable. The potential of the quantum computer - the crown jewel of these research activities - is immense. But what are the advantages of quantum computers compared to those of current high-performance computers? Where are the limits and how can the two be profitably combined? In a new video, Prof. Dr. Sevag Gharibian, an expert…
To all students of computer science and mathematics at the University of Paderborn:
The alumni association "Die Matiker e.V." at the University of Paderborn organizes the following two lectures as part of the lecture series „Job Profiles in Mathematics and Computer Science"
on Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 6:15 p.m. in lecture hall D2 (both lectures will take place one after the other on that date, a total of approx. 90 minutes).
The talks…