Com­puter Sci­ence News

"All Day Re­search" Pod­cast: Fif­teenth epis­ode with Dr. Stephanie Forge

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In the fifteenth episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Dr. Stephanie Forge. Together with our host Lukas Ostermann, they talk about women in STEM studies.

Dr. Forge has been coordinating and leading STEM student orientation programs with a focus on women's advancement for several years. According to the Paderborn University's student survey, the percentage of female students in computer science remains at only 19%. "We need to break this up by getting more women interested in and qualified for technical courses and professions, so that there is a change in society and it becomes more and more normal for women to pursue a technical profession," explains Dr. Forge.

According to Dr. Forge, the lack of an idea of what a degree program looks like and one's own self-doubt about daring to study in the STEM field are the biggest obstacles for young women. Therefore, it is enormously important through just such support programs to create a safe space to try things out and get to know each other, emphasizes Ms. Forge.

The implementation of the podcast was developed in cooperation with the Department of Computer Science and the Student Council for Computer Science. The aim is to give more insights into science and thereby bring students - especially those in the first semester - closer to the study, to arouse interest and to show how much fun research and the study of computer science at Paderborn University can be.

Listen now to the fifteenth episode of the "All Day Research" podcast. Find it everywhere podcast is available or here on the department page.

Missed the last episodes? Don't worry, all episodes can also be found on the department page.