Com­puter Sci­ence News

"All Day Re­search" Pod­cast: Year-end epis­ode with Prof. Dr. Chris­ti­an Scheidel­er on­line

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

In the eighth episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Institute Director Prof. Dr. Christian Scheideler. With our host Lukas Ostermann, he reviews the past year 2021 and gives first insights into the coming year.

Another turbulent year is almost behind us. High time, then, to classify the impressions, lessons and experiences. In this special end-of-year episode, Institute Director Prof. Dr. Scheideler shares his personal experiences of the past 12 months while also talking about important changes at the Institute level. "I have learned a great deal in the past year. Many changes have taken place, forcing us to adapt in many ways," says Mr. Scheideler.

In this review of the year, however, the opinions and impressions of the student body cannot be missing. Institute Director Scheideler also responds to their questions, offering helpful tips and hope for positive developments in the coming year. "I hope that [last year's lessons] will be very useful to us in the future as well. I suspect it will be very helpful in shaping the curriculum," Prof. Dr. Scheideler said.

The implementation of the podcast was created in collaboration with the Institute of Computer Science and the Computer Science Student Council. The aim is to give more insights into science and thereby bring students - especially those in the first semester - closer to the study, to arouse interest and to show how much fun research and the study of computer science at the University of Paderborn can be.

Listen now to the eighth episode of the "All Day Research" podcast. Find it everywhere podcast is available or here on the institute page.

Missed the last episodes? Don't worry, all episodes can also be found on the Institute page.
Important note: The All Day Research Podcast is now going on a little winter break. We will be back in February 2022 with the ninth episode.