Com­puter Sci­ence News

Pro­fess­ors of Com­puter Sci­ence in­tro­duce them­selves: Im­age­c­lips & Live Chat

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

Soon the series "3 questions to …" starts on the faculty’s YouTube Channel where professors of Computer Science of the University of Paderborn are in the centre of attention: within one minute the professors introduce themselves and their field of expertise – in this context they also talk about funny anecdotes from their lectures, their life’s motto and their hobbies.

These short videos are interesting for all Computer Science students who would like to learn more about their professors and who think about applying for Computer Science at the University of Paderborn. Additionally there is a possibilty to chat with every professor in a Live Chat and to ask any question about IT security, Data Science and Software Development, etc.

Every cinematic input will be announced in our News area of on our Twitter account including the time range for the chat. We are looking forward to many questions and feedback.

(Foto: Videostandbild FakultaetEIM)