Com­puter Sci­ence News

Eco­nom­ics in­vite stu­dents to new series Wed­nes­days in the Q

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Business Talk - Advice on Digital Transformation
May 31 | 1 - 2 p.m. | Q1-Foyer

At our Business Talk, we always introduce you to a professional field on the last Wednesday of the month. For this purpose, we invite three former students who report on their everyday work and their career entry. Afterwards, our professors will give you recommendations on which modules will prepare you particularly well for the professional field. Of course, there will also be time for your questions.

On May 31, everything will revolve around the topic of consulting for digital transformation.
Dr. Stephan Kassanke, consultant at  @myc.myconsult, Steffen Menzefricke, senior consultant @unity_consulting_innovation, and Dr. Stefan Kuhlemann, consultant at  @fellowmind_germany, are our guests. All three studied with us and will report on how consulting for digital transformation differs in theory and practice, how a good career start can succeed, and how the professional field is evolving from their perspective. Our professor Daniel Beverungen moderates the conversation and connects the practical insights with our teaching.

During the breaks there will be time for muffins and getting to know the student initiative  @campusconsult_ev.