Com­puter Sci­ence News

Fac­ulty of Com­puter Sci­ence, Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing and Math­em­at­ics bids farewell to its gradu­ates

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On June 16, this year's graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics of the Paderborn University took place in the Audimax. This year the faculty was happy to be able to say goodbye to its graduates in presence again.

Festive farewell
After the festive farewell by Vice President Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Schöppner and by Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Schmidt, as permanent representative of the Dean and Dean of Studies, followed the ceremonial speech by Ms. Rebecca Steinhage, Head of Human Resources & Corporate Affairs of Miele & Cie. KG. Under the title "Gamechanger or showstopper - The relevance of sustainability in the development of future innovations", Ms. Steinhage spoke in her lecture about how a traditional company like Miele supports sustainability goals and how these affect production, but also the planning of new products and innovations. The finite nature of resources are gamechangers in business thinking. At the end of the speech, she urged the graduating faculty* to remain relentless in their drive, determination and optimism, to create the appropriate framework, to pull together and work towards holistic concepts.

Awarded students
The second part of the event was started by the student representatives Christina Rhode and Björn Bick with a short review for all students into the experiences that numerous graduates should know from their study time. They reflected on the everyday life in the study and the way to the graduation. Both congratulated warmly on the degree which is "not easy" to achieve. To the cheers of the packed Audimax, last year's graduates received their certificates and congratulations from Professor Schmidt - it was the highlight of the afternoon.

The subsequent awarding of prizes for outstanding academic achievements was made possible with the kind support of sponsors Achelos, dSPACE, Phoenix Contact, S&N and Wöhler. Thus, the 2023 prizes went to Adrian Tobias Meise (Bachelor Electrical Engineering) and Hendrik Vater (Master Electrical Engineering), Felix Borgelt (Bachelor Computer Science), Stefan Werner (Master Computer Science), Lorenz Franz Walter Fischer (Bachelor Mathematics/Technomathematics), and Johanna Jakob (Master Mathematics/Technomathematics).

A special event of the celebration was the traditional awarding of the Weierstrass prizes for good teaching, supported by the company Atos. Junior professor Florian Klingler received the award primarily for his compulsory and elective courses, as well as in the parallel exercise groups and practical courses he supervised, with both the classroom and online parts receiving top marks.
Julian Seibel, received the award for his outstanding supervision of exercise groups on "Mathematics for Economists I" in which he received not only outstanding, but sensationally good evaluations. Out of 81 evaluations, an impressive 81 recommend him for the Weierstrass Award.
(Feel free to read the detailed laudations at the end of the news).

As in every year, the farewell ceremony of the faculty-active graduates closed this year's program. The band "Night Orchestra" provided the musical background for the event.

Laudation for Jun.-Prof. Dr. Florian Klingler
Prof. Dr. Florian Klingler receives the Weierstrass Award 2023 for the excellent evaluations of his lectures "System Software and System-Oriented Programming", "Computer Networks", "Mobile Communication" and "Networked Embedded Systems".
Professor Klingler received consistently excellent evaluations in several compulsory and elective courses, as well as in the exercise groups and practical courses he supervised in parallel. Some of the courses were hybrid, with both the face-to-face and online parts receiving top marks. The provision of extensive additional material, including recordings of the events, was also highlighted. Professor Florian Klingler thus demonstrates an exceptionally high level of commitment to teaching, but let's let some student comments speak for themselves: "In my opinion, the best implementation I have had so far at UPB in a lecture", "Always conveys the feeling that learning success and understanding are important and also likes to explain several times", "You can tell that Florian Klingler is on fire for his subject and can also explain it super", "He wants the students to successfully learn and understand the topics and you can see that wonderfully", "Very motivated appearance", "Outstanding effort of Prof. Klingler for the best quality of video recordings and online presentations.
Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Florian Klingler for the Weierstrass Award 2023 for excellent teaching in the category of lecturers.

Laudation for Mr. Julian Seibel
Mr. Julian Seibel receives the Weierstrass Award 2023 for first-class supervision of the exercises on "Mathematics for Economists".
Mr. Julian Seibel has received not only outstanding, but sensationally good evaluations for the supervision of several exercise groups on "Mathematics for Economists I". Out of 81 evaluations, an impressive 81 recommend him for the Weierstrass Award. It should be borne in mind that this course is not always one of the favorite courses of students of economics. Praise is especially given for the perfect preparation and the great interest in learning. Here is a small excerpt from the student comments: "Julian is super motivated and explains very well and understandably. Definitely the best tutor", "He always wants everyone to understand everything and gives his best", "Even the difficult content he can explain very understandable", "Absolutely perfect preparation. Absolute doer. Only person with whom I understand math", "Just a doer in front of the Lord", "Never had such a good tutor". Congratulations to Mr. Julian Seibel for receiving the 2023 Weierstrass Award for Excellence in Teaching in the category of Practice Group Tutors.

(Foto: UPB/Nadija Carter)
(Foto: UPB/Nadija Carter)