Com­puter Sci­ence News

An­nu­al Re­port of the Fac­ulty EIM 2019 as an on­line magazine

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As of now, the Annual Report of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics is available as an electronic version in a responsive magazine design.

The annual report summarizes all important events that have shaped our faculty in the past year. In addition to reports from research and teaching, the most important awards as well as facts and figures from 2019 can be read in condensed form.

The annual report is of interest to all those who study and work at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics; but it is of course also intended for those who are interested in news about research, teaching and the people of the faculty. All relevant content is presented in a compact and clear format in the report.

In addition to the responsive online magazine, a PDF version of the annual report is also made available.

Both versions can be found here:

(Grafik: Fakultät EIM) The 2019 Annual Faculty Report is now available.