Dr. Martin Kage (Weidmüller Group, Detmold) reported on his transfer from studying business engineering to his team leading position in IT security. It is less a specific knowledge than the general scientific, structured way of thinking that is so valuable for his current job. Because of his stay abroad in the USA during his studies, it was no problem to give his lecture in English, contrary to the announcement (due to demand). As a striking example of his work, he reported in detail about a serious cyber security attack on his company and how he and his team spent days overcoming the consequences.
Prakhar Rathi (CS Group GmbH, Darmstadt) and Niladri Mondal (TU Ilmenau) completed their English-language computer science master's degree at the University of Paderborn 1-2 years ago and reported on their experiences during their studies and the important decisions they made when taking the step thereafter. The course is different to what they were used to in India (more knowledge and less memorization) and you have to achieve weekly results in order to even write the exam at the end of the semester. You should definitely look for a study group and don't be afraid to contact professors to solve any problems that arise. A key piece of advice: learn German as quickly as possible so that you can better shape your life in your surroundings. Further advice related to the scope of the CV when applying and how to successfully complete job interviews.
Double lectures will also take place in the coming semesters, to which invitations will be invited in time. Further information can be found at https://www.die-matiker.de/berufsbilder.
On January 18, 2024, a double lecture in the series "Careers in Mathematics and Computer Science" by the alumni association Die Matiker e.V. took place at the University of Paderborn.