Found­a­tions of Cryp­to­graphy

This course covers theoretical foundations of cryptography. During this course, we address different cryptographic topics. Per topic, we typically proceed as follows: We introduce formal security definitions, construct a corresponding scheme from other primitives (such as one-way functions) and formally prove its security. These steps require understanding of (at least basic) probability theory, algorithm design and basic complexity theory. In the private-key setting, we especially construct encryption schemes and message authentication codes from one-way functions according to this pattern. In the public-key setting, for example, we construct encryption schemes and digital signatures.


After registering in PAUL for our course, you are enrolled (up to 24 hours later) to our PANDA course via which we organize FoC. This year, we offer FoC in the "traditional" way, so not in the flipped-classroom format from last years. 

Dates and Times

Check PAUL for lecture times and tutorial times. Any changes to the schedule will be published via PANDA.