Templates for Theses (Bachelor, Master, Seminar)
- Rename file proposal_name.tex appropriately.
- Read the README file.
- Modify the template to your liking. It is not a strict requirement to use but meant to help setting up the document.
- Discuss the structure of your proposal with your advisors (the given text is there to guide you)
Gitlab link
Direct download
- Rename file thesis_name.tex appropriately.
- Read the README file.
- Modify the template to your liking. It is not a strict requirement to use but meant to help setting up the document.
Gitlab link
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- Rename file seminar_name.tex appropriately.
- Read the README file.
- Modify the template to your liking. It is not a strict requirement to use but meant to help setting up the document.
Gitlab link
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- Rename file beamer_name.tex appropriately.
- Modify the template to your liking. It is not a strict requirement to use but meant to help setting up the document.
Gitlab link
Direct download
- Open file by double clicking it. That creates a fresh Powerpoint document with the template.
- The layout of each slide (e.g., title slide, slide with text, ...) can be set by right-clicking the slide.
- Modify the template to your liking. It is not a strict requirement to use but meant to help setting up the document.
Gitlab link
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- Open file by double clicking it. That creates a fresh Powerpoint document with the template.
- The layout of each slide (e.g., title slide, slide with text, ...) can be set by right-clicking the slide.
- Modify the template to your liking. It is not a strict requirement to use but meant to help setting up the document.
Gitlab link
Direct download
- We generally do not require you to use our templates. Your own formats (or modified versions of our templates) are completely acceptable.