For a cof­fee with...

The series "A coffee with..." gives you a nutshell insight into studying computer science, in which students talk about their very individual experiences. In order to show the diversity of computer science studies, we try to capture as many perspectives as possible and let you participate in the experiences. If you would like to share your own experiences, please get in touch with us - the PR team at the Institute of Computer Science.

Al­ex­an­der Wern­ing

In this portrait, Alexander Werning talks about his time as a computer science student at Paderborn University and what he plans to do now that he has completed his Master's degree.

Daniel Schwietert

In this portrait, Daniel Schwietert explains why he feels so comfortable studying computer science at Paderborn University and talks about his experiences during his semester abroad in Norway.

Patrick Boll­mann

In this portrait, Patrick Bollmann talks about his time as a computer science student at Paderborn University and how he managed to gain a lot of experience alongside his studies.

Wendy Ben­ke

In this portrait, Wendy Benke explains why she decided quite early on to study something in the STEM field and how she coped with her change of degree programme.

Patrick Schüren

In this portrait, Patrick Schüren explains why he has wanted to become a maths and computer science teacher since he was at school and how he is progressing towards his dream job during his studies.

Christina Ro­hde

In this portrait, Christina talks about her work as Chair of the Maths/Computer Science Student Council and how she manages to successfully complete her degree in Computer Science alongside her voluntary work.

Ad­ri­an Block

In this portrait, Adrian Block explains why he decided to study computer science at Paderborn University and how he manages to combine his studies with his political commitment.

Di­ana Voth

In this portrait, computer science student Diana Voth talks about her time abroad and why she felt very much at home in Paderborn right from the start.

Torben Go­towik

In this portrait, Torben Gotowik tells us how he came to study computer science at Paderborn University and why he particularly enjoys working as a student assistant.

Fa­bi­an List

In this portrait, Fabian tells us why he chose Paderborn University for his teaching degree programme and how he manages to successfully and happily complete his studies despite the high demands.

Shiv­am Sharma

In this portrait, Shivam Sharma talks about what it's like to come to Paderborn University as an international student and what has helped him along the way.

Al­isa Stiballe

In this portrait, Alisa Stiballe shares her impressions of the combined degree programme in Computer Engineering and the various courses and opportunities in the department.