Minor Sub­jects

The Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Computer Science (PO v4) each include a minor subject to be chosen by the student.

In the Bachelor's degree program, the minor subject has a scope of 18 to 22 ECTS credits and is compulsory. The choice of minor subject is deemed to have been made when registering for the first subject examination. A change is possible once (even after a final failure of the minor subject), but then all achievements required up to that point must be completed retrospectively in the new minor subject. The minor subject should be chosen in the third semester and the minor subject Mathematics in the first semester.
A tip: Students should take the time to “get a taste” of various lectures of the minor subjects in the first two semesters or at the beginning of the third semester without obligation. This makes it easier to determine which minor subject suits you.

There are currently 3 possible standard minor subjects in the Master's degree program with a total of 12 ECTS: Mathematics, Economics and Electrical Engineering. The minor subject in the Master's program is not compulsory, instead courses in the area of “Studium Generale” can be taken to the same extent.
For the minor subject, every (non-German-speaking) student must complete a German language course (this is not mentioned in the examination regulations) or otherwise prove that he or she has a certain German language level. We therefore recommend that all non-German-speaking students replace the minor subject with the Studium Generale.

For the standard minor subjects, the ability to study and a large degree of freedom from overlap with the Computer Science lectures is guaranteed. Upon application to the Examination Board for Computer Science, students can individually choose a minor subject that differs from the standard subjects, a so-called non-standard minor subject. For the standard minor subjects, there are minor subject representatives of the respective subject and also corresponding contact persons in Computer Science who can advise students on matters relating to the minor subject. The mathematics/computer science student council can also provide valuable advice.

Standard minor subjects Note
Electrical engineering  
Media studies Limited to 30 students per year
Psychology Limited to 30 students per year
Business informatics  
Appointee for minor subjects Appointee in computer science
Electrical Engineering Prof. Dr. Sybille Hellebrand
Room: P1.6.08.1
Telephone: 05251/60-3002
Fax: 05251/60-4221
Email: sybille.hellebrand[at]uni-paderborn.de
Prof. Dr. Marco Platzner
Mathematics Prof. Dr. Helge Glöckner
Room: D2.228
Telephone: 05251/60-2600
Fax: 05251/60-4204
E-Mail: glockner[at]math.uni-paderborn.de
Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer
Media Studies Prof. Dr. Dorothee M. Meister
Room: E2.108
Telephone: 05251/60-3723
Fax: 05251/60-4224
Email: dm[at]uni-paderborn.de

For standard questions please go to the office in E2.151 or call 05251/60-3284. For complicated matters contact Prof. Meister personally.
Dr. Harald Selke
Philosophy Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber
Room: N2.101
Telephone: 05251/ 60-2308
E-Mail: ruth.hagengruber[at]uni-paderborn.de
Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer
Psychology Prof. Dr. Ingrid Scharlau
Room: H4.129
Telephone: 05251/60-2900
E-Mail: ingrid.scharlau[at]uni-paderborn.de
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Juraj Somorovsky
Business informatics Prof. Dr. Matthias Trier
Room: Q2.448
Telephone: 05251/60-4180
Fax: 05251/60-3542
E-Mail: matthias.trier[at]unipaderborn.de
Prof. Dr. Christian Scheideler
Economics Prof. Dr.Stefan Betz
Room: Q5.149
Telephone: 05251/60-5362
Fax: 5251/60-3511
E-Mail: Eva.Papenfort(at)wiwi.upb.de
Prof. Dr. Stefan Böttcher