Study News Archive

Dear students, Unfortunately, our livestream for online study counselling for the Master's programme on YouTube this Thursday (28.11.2024) at 6 pm has to be cancelled without substitution. The consultation hour in Fürstenallee (also on Thursday, 28 November 2024) will exceptionally take place from 11:00 to 12:00 in room F2.124 (Attention: time and room change!). Both changes only affect 28.11.2024. All subsequent dates will take place as usual.…

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Dear students, to make your studies easier, we have put a new document online that summarizes all the regulations for registering for academic and exam achievements in a compact and understandable way. From deadlines to registration procedures to special regulations, you will find everything you need to know at a glance. It's worth a look: this way you will be well informed and won't miss any deadlines! Take a look at the website now and get…

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Open­ing of the study of­fice on cam­pus

We are pleased to inform you that you can now visit us at our new premises on campus. You will find us in the E-building in rooms E1.125 and E1.129, directly opposite the student council.

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Here you will find the rules and deadlines for registering and deregistering for courses and examinations for the summer semester 2024

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From October this year, new examination regulations will come into force for both the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes. Here you will find information on the Bachelor's degree programme; information on the Master's degree programme will follow shortly. Here you will find a presentation on the new examination regulations as well as a document describing the current - not yet final - status of the transitional…

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Wel­come to Pader­born | Willkom­men in Pader­born

Welcome to your bachelor's degree in computer science in Paderborn!

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Twice a month, we answer questions from prospective students as well as students already enrolled in Computer Science in a YouTube livestream. You can enter into a personal dialog here and ask any questions you may have about studying and the degree program, which we will hopefully be able to answer.

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