Com­puter Sci­ence News

Billions of people use the internet every day, producing quintillions of bytes of data. Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible to gain structured insights from these huge amounts of data. Companies that make business-critical decisions based on data benefit from this in particular. The problem: Although data is now available in a variety of languages, there is a lack of multilingual data sets such as knowledge graphs, which model…

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(Photo: dc-ce/BLB NRW) Visualisation of the new HPC data centre where the Noctua 2 system will be installed (currently under construction).

140,000 processing cores, the very latest generation of high-tech features, and compact enough to fit inside a squash court – Paderborn University is getting a new supercomputer. “Noctua 2,” the project name given to the second expansion stage of the “Noctua” installed in 2018, will be built by market leader Atos and is expected to be installed by the end of the year. With a total financing volume of more than 14 million euros, it will be the…

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity hosts “HEART‘21”

The international IT symposium “Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies” (HEART) will be held online this year, from June 21 to 23. The forum will explore the latest research findings on computer systems and methods in the context of hardware-accelerated high-performance computing (HPC). This time Paderborn is hosting the conference following Toronto and Nagasaki in previous years. The focus is on how to achieve the best…

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As part of Campus OWL, the New York Office of the University of Paderborn invites applications for internships with companies in the New York metropolitan region through the Professional Experience Program (PEP). The stays can be funded within the framework of the PROMOS programme: PEP is your opportunity to gain valuable work experience in an international environment. The program includes an internship in a company/organization in the New York…

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[Translate to English:] (Foto: Universität Paderborn, Besim Mazhiqi) Zwölf der 18 ausgezeichneten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler von der Universität Paderborn nahmen die Urkunden und Glückwünsche für ihre herausragenden Leistungen persönlich entgegen.

Awards for out­stand­ing achieve­ments in re­search and teach­ing

18 academics at the University of Paderborn honoured with prizes and scholarships

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How to write a great Mas­ter thes­is

Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Scientific Working“ der Matiker ( hält am Montag, dem 14. Juni, ab 19 Uhr Stefan Krüger einen Vortrag "How to write a great Master thesis" in englischer Sprache. Der Vortrag findet in Big Blue Button unter der Adresse statt. As part of the Matiker series with talks on „Scientific Working“, Stefan Krüger will be giving a talk on "How to write a…

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Have you always wanted to know whether professors prefer to drink tea or coffee? Or have you often wondered what topics scientists are currently discussing? Then the "All Day Research" podcast is made for you! Every month, host Lukas Ostermann, head of the Computer Science Student Council, talks to various guests about exciting and current topics. "We have a lot of interesting personalities at our university with the most diverse backgrounds. I…

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New ap­plic­a­tion phase for the ment­or­ing pro­gram starts!

The mentoring program for doctoral students has become a fundamental tool for human resources development at Paderborn University. The program aims at supporting female doctoral students during their Ph.D. and offers them an opportunity to become more familiar with possible academic careers through the insight view of an experienced mentor. In addition, it also focuses on strategies for success in an academic context and supports professional…

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Foto (Universität Paderborn): Ein neuer Sonderforschungsbereich der Universitäten Paderborn und Bielefeld hat die Erklärbarkeit künstlicher Intelligenz zum Ziel.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) today announced the establishment of a new Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio (TRR) on the topic of "Explainability of Artificial Intelligence (AI)" at the Universities of Paderborn and Bielefeld. Over the next four years, it will provide around 14 million euros in funding for this. The strongly interdisciplinary research programme entitled "Constructing Explainability" goes beyond the question of…

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The "Paderborn Assistance System for University and Teaching", better known as PAUL, is unavoidable during your studies at the University of Paderborn. Whether for course or exam registrations, PAUL is and remains the most important address for one's own study organisation. The system seems quite complex at first. But it is not only first-semester students who have to face some challenges. Most students need a little refresher course on PAUL…

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(Foto: Videostandbild Fakultät EIM)

Video: 3 Ques­tions for Jun.-Prof. Dr. Gleb Pole­voy

This week it is Jun.-Prof. Dr. Gleb Polevoy’s turn at “3 Questions for… “. He talks about his research focus, which is algorithmic game theory and reveals what he likes to do the most in his free time. The video is available here:

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Every year at the "International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO)", the award for innovations in so-called "distributed computing" is presented. The award goes to people who make an important contribution to understanding the relationship between information and efficiency in distributed computing. Meyer auf der Heide, head of the "Algorithms and Complexity" department at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute at…

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In the current ranking of the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), the University of Paderborn achieved top positions in all disciplines examined. This year, the subjects; biochemistry, biology / life sciences, chemistry, geography, earth sciences, computer science, mathematics, medicine, nursing science, pharmacy, physics, political science, sports / sports science and dentistry were put to the test. The ranking, which was published…

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(Picture: Career Service)

The Career Service of the University of Paderborn offers practical projects for students in cooperation with regional employers in the coming summer semester of 2021.

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(Photo: Nadija Carter)

Specialized in algorithmic game theory, Jun.-Prof Dr. Polevoy is going to teach a course “Efficiency in games” in this year’s summer semester. Having spent and researched many years in different countries, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Polevoy brings a high amount of knowledge and experience to the table. Therefore, we would like to take a closer look at his scientific career to date.

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