Com­puter Sci­ence News

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Sci­ent­ists from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity are new acat­ech mem­bers

The expertise of Paderborn University is in demand: Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden, Head of the Institute of Computer Science, and Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn, physicist and holder of the Chair of "Integrated Quantum Optics", have been accepted as new members of the German Academy of Science and Engineering - acatech for short.

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In the 29th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen. Together with our host Marvin Beckmann, he talks about the backgrounds and the organization of a scientific conference.

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In the latest edition of the renowned "Global Ranking of Academic Subjects" (GRAS), also known as the "Shanghai Subject Ranking", Paderborn University has once again made it into the top 500 universities worldwide.

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Foto (Universität Paderborn): Symbolbild.

Pre­vent­ing epi­leptic seizures: Wrist­bands for re­li­able real-time pre­dic­tions

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects more than 50 million people worldwide.

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Foto (Universität Paderborn, Leonie Oberheuser): Prof. Dr. Erdal Kayacan von der Universität Paderborn will mit seiner Fachgruppe „Regelungs- und Automatisierungstechnik“ dazu beitragen, dass Flugroboter sich zukünftig eigenständig an ihre jeweilige Aufgabe und Umgebung anpassen.

Mon­it­or­ing crit­ic­al in­fra­struc­tures with state-of-the-art tech­no­logy

Flying robots are already being used to inspect wind turbines for damage, among other things, and can thus perform important tasks that are risky for humans.

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"Uni Un­der­ground" in Pader­born city cen­ter

Climate Clash, Uni-Stage and Nerd Night: The Paderborn University invites pupils and prospective students to pop-up event

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With the beginning of the winter semester 2023/2024, 45 international students will start their studies in the master programs at the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics.

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SICP Sym­posi­um 2023

10 Jahre SICP: Innovation durch Kooperation Montag, 16. Oktober 2023, 13:30 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr Zukunftsmeile 2 (ZM2), 33102 Paderborn

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On September 14 and 15, 2023, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities hosted this year's Symposium for Foresight and Technology Planning (SVT) with two exciting days of exchange and knowledge deepening under the motto: "Recognizing tomorrow's potential for success and how AI can support this". Since 2005, the symposium has promoted the exchange of experiences between decision-makers from major companies and leading figures from…

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In the 28th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Prof. Dr. Patricia Arias Cabarcos. Together with our host Marvin Beckmann, she talks about the types of authentications in IT security.

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For a cof­fee with… Al­isa Stiballe

In this portrait, Alisa Stiballe tells us her impressions of the Computer Engineering combined degree program and about the various offerings and opportunities in the department.

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(Foto Universität Paderborn, Nadija Carter) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katrin Temmen, Prof. Dr. Tobias Weich, Prof. Dr. Jens Förstner, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klüners, Prof. Dr. Marco Platzner und Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden. (v.l.n.r.)

In its constituent meeting, the 12th Faculty Council of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics elected the new Dean's Office.

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(Foto Universität Paderborn, Nadija Carter): Maximilian Schenke, Oliver Wallscheid, Daniel Weber, Jarren Lange, Barnabas Haucke-Korber, Mario Peña und Darius Jakobeit.

Modern industry and information societies are driven by power electronics energy converters that harness electrical energy for various applications.

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Scientists at the Paderborn University have further developed Soot, the world's leading framework for static analysis of Java and Android applications.

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The Wel­come Ser­vices of UPB in­tro­duce them­selves

Interview with the Welcome Services of Paderborn University Support for international researchers and employees at the Paderborn University In this interview with Davina Stiller and Anna-Marina Vogt from the International Relations Office, we gain exciting and informative insights into the work of Welcome Services for international researchers and employees. The aim of the service is to welcome international researchers and employees, to…

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