Com­puter Sci­ence News

"All Day Re­search" pod­cast: 40th epis­ode - Talk Lounge Lehre about start­ing a de­gree in com­puter sci­ence

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

In the 40th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, Dr. Jana Seep from the Computer Science Office talks to Carina Sivakumar and Josephine Mönnich about starting to study computer science at Paderborn University.

Carina is starting her third semester at Paderborn University this winter. She is studying computer science and social pedagogy to become a teacher. Josephine, on the other hand, is entering her fifth semester this winter and has also been studying computer science for three semesters.
In this episode, the two of them talk about their experiences of starting their computer science studies at Paderborn University. They explain why their path led them to Paderborn University and how they took their first steps. They give tips on the best places to study on campus and talk about their mistakes, from which every listener can learn something. "Paderborn has really become my city. " says Carina about the city. "There are some really beautiful places in Paderborn, especially the Pader spring area," adds Josephine. When asked whether Carina and Josephine would choose to study computer science at the Paderborn University again, the answer is a clear: "Definitely!".

For all other tips and tricks for starting your studies, listen to the full All Day Research episode wherever there is a podcast or on the Institute website.

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