Pro­ject groups

In the "project group" course, a group of usually 8-16 students work on a topic specified by the organiser over the course of a year (two semesters). Here, teamwork and the organisation of a project are tested and learned in practice in order to prepare students for their future careers. In terms of content, project groups are intended to introduce students to current research topics. For students, this means that graduates of a project group are generally also predestined to subsequently take on Master's theses in the relevant field. Details can be found in the framework guidelines for project groups.


  1. The project group can only be started once the Bachelor's programme has been successfully completed. The Bachelor's degree is successfully completed when all examinations have been passed and the 4.0 confirmation has been submitted to the Examinations Office by 31 March for the summer semester and by 30 September for the winter semester.
  2. The project group can only be started once enrolment in the Master's degree programme has been completed. Students in the Bachelor's programme who do not achieve the 4.0 confirmation or complete examinations until 31 March and 30 September must therefore apply for the Master's programme by the respective deadline for the change of degree programme.

How do I get a project group?
Procedure for assigning students to project groups

Phase1: PAUL registration
August 12 - August 18 (timely registration)
August 19 - September 22 (late registration)

Phase 2: Assignments & Preferences
August 20 - September 15

Phase 3: Stable Marriage
September 23

Phase 4: Notification & Decision
September 27

Details of the individual phases can be found here.

Present­a­tion of the pro­ject groups in the Mas­ter of Com­puter Sci­ence and Mas­ter of Com­puter En­gin­eer­ing

Presentation of the project groups:
Monday, 22th July, 2024, 4:15pm, Lecture hall: O1 (later on O1.258)

"Slides introductory lecture"


  • Presentation of the project group: Usable Security and Privacy Lab (USaPLab)
    Thursday, 8/8, 15:00h, room: F2.211

The project groups listed are intended for the Master's degree programme in Computer Science and/or Computer Engineering. There are three types of project groups: Only Computer Science students participate in CS project groups. These groups offer the required 2x10 ECTS credits. Only Computer Engineering students take part in CE project groups, which offer the required 2x9 ECTS credits. Students from both degree programmes take part in mixed project groups. These groups offer the required scope of 2x10 ECTS and 2x9 ECTS.

New pro­ject groups in the Mas­ter of Com­puter Sci­ence and Mas­ter of Com­puter En­gin­eer­ing

Winter semester 2024/25

CS + CE project groups

Title of the PG: Building a Face Recognition Demonstrator (FaceDemo)
Contact person: Philipp Terhörst, Rouqaiah Al-Refai
Specialist group: Responsible AI for Biometrics

Title of the PG: Adaptive Retrieval Augmented Generation
Contact person: Axel Ngonga,
Specialist Group: Data Science

Title of the PG: Quantum Networks Transformation (QNT)
Contact person: Zahra Raissi
Expert Group: Quantum Information

Title of the PG: Sustainable Internet-of-Things (SloT)
Contact person: Lin Wang
Research Group: Computer Networks

PG title: Programmable Matter 4 (ProgMat 4)
Contact person: Matthias Artmann, Andreas Padalkin, Daniel Warner
Division: Theory of Distributed Systems

PG title: Usable Security and Privacy Lab (USaP-Lab)
Contact person: Patricia Arias Cabarcos, Emiram Kablo, Yorick Last
Specialist group: IT Security

PG title: Immersive Digital Twin-Driven Systems and Software Engineering (IDT-SSE)
Contact person: Enes YigitbasStefan Sauer
Specialist group: Software Innovation Lab

Title of the PG: AI-supported Security Testing (SecAI)
Contact person:Michael Schlichtig, Markus Schmidt
Expert Group: Secure Software Engineering


CS project groups

Title of the PG: Contrastive Explanations for Knowledge Graphs (conExKG)
Contact person:Yasir Mahmood
Expert group: DICE

Title of the PG: Explaining Graph Neural Networks (XGNN)
Contact person:Stefan Heindorf,
Division: Data Science Junior Research Group


CE Project Groups

PG title: Machine Learning and Signal Processing Using EEG and Smartwatch Data (MLSP-SST)
Contact person:Isabell Lehmann, Tanuj
Specialist group: Signal and System Theory Group


On­go­ing pro­ject groups in IT

Summer term 2024

CS + CE project groups

Title of the PG: Networked Systems (NetSys)
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Lin Wang
Subject group: Computer Networks

Title of the PG: Securing E-Mail with Automated Learning (SEAL)
Contact person: Sven Hebrok, Juraj Somorovsky
Specialist group: System Security

Title of the PG: Next Gen User Interface for optimization software based on Generative AI (GenUIne)
Contact person: Heike Trautmann, Moritz Seiler
Division: Machine Learning and Optimisation

Title of the PG: QuantumInformation with Higher-Dimensional Qubits (QUDIT)
Contact person: Hrachya Zakaryan, Zahra Raissi
Division: Quantum Information

Title of the PG: Vector Graphics on Modern Hardware (VGMH)
Contact person: Sevag Gharibian, Dorian Rudolph
Research Group: Quantum Computation

Title of the PG: WiFi-based Human Sensing using FPGA-accelerated Lightweight Neural Networks (WiFiSense)
Contact person: Felix Jentzsch, Christoph Berganski
Subject group: Computer Engineering Group

Title of the PG: Support Tool for University Lecture Planning (STULP)
Contact person: Prof. Dr Stefan Böttcher, Dr Rita Hartel
Specialist Group: Databases and Electronic Commerce

Title of the PG: Adaptive Virtual Tutor for Chemistry Study Preparation (VirtuTutor)
Contact person: Jan-Luca Hansel, André Graute, Matthias Fischer
Specialist Group: Theory of Distributed Systems

PG title: Development of Software Configuration Tools (ConfigTools)
Contact person: Thomas Thüm, Sebastian Krieter, Alexander Schultheiß
Specialist group: Software Engineering

CE Project Groups

Title of the PG: Study of Physiological Signals from EEG and Wristband sensorsfor stress detection (SST-EEG)
Contact person: Maurice Kuschel, Tanuj Hasija
Specialist Group: Signal and System Theory

Title of the PG: Disaster Response Robots (DRR)
Contact person: Dirk Fischer, Bärbel Mertsching
Group: GET Lab - Cognitive Systems Engineering

Winter semester 2023/24

CS + CE project groups

PG title: Nutrition education and decision support for personalized, sustainable and healthy nutrition through XR (NutriXR)
Contact person: Dr. Enes Yigitbas
Department: Database and Information Systems

Title of the PG: A Privacy One-Stop Shop (PriOSS)
Contact person: Patricia Arias-Cabarcos, Emiram Kablo
Section: Human-Centered IT Security

Title of the PG: WiFi-based Human Sensing using FPGA-accelerated Lightweight Neural Networks (WiFiSense)
Contact person: Felix Jentzsch, Christoph Berganski
Specialist Group: Computer Engineering Group

Title of the PG: Programmable Matter 3 (ProgMat 3)
Contact: Andreas Padalkin, Daniel Warner
Division: Theory of Distributed Systems

Title of the PG: Artificial Intelligence for Systems Engineering (AI4SE)
Contact person: Aschot Kharatyan, Ruslan Bernijazov
Specialist Group: Advanced Systems Engineering

Title of the PG: Data-driven Engineering (DDE)
Contact person: Malte Trienens, Jan-Philipp Disselkamp
Specialist Group: Advanced Systems Engineering

PG title: Approximate Reasoning in Description Logic (ApproxDL)
Contact person: Alexander Bigerl, Yasir Mahmood
Specialist group: Data Science

Title of the PG: Vizualizing and Verbalizing Class Expressions (ViVeC)
Contact person: Caglar Demir, Michael Röder
Research Group: Data Science

Title of the PG: An extension of the GERBIL benchmarking platform (GERBIL)
Contact person: Michael Röder
Research Group: Data Science

Title of the PG: Quantum Information (QI)
Contact: Zahra Raissi, Hrachya Zakaryan
Expert Group: Quantum Information

Title of the PG: Human Factors in Security and Privacy Research(HFSP)
Contact person: Yasemin Acar, Anastassija Kostan, Anna Lena Rotthaler, Harshini Sri Ramulu
Expert Group: Empirical Software Engineering

CE Project Groups

PG title: Electric Drive Simulation in Python (E-DRIP)
Contact person: Oliver Wallscheid, Barnabas Haucke-Korber, Maximilian Schenke, Darius Jakobeit
Specialist group: Power Electronics and Electrical Drives

PG title: Disaster Response Robots (DRR)
Contact person: Dirk Fischer, Bärbel Mertsching Division: GET Lab - Cognitive Systems Engineering

PG title: EEG Signal Processing (EEG-SP)
Contact person: Isabell Lehmann, Tanuj Hasija
Specialist group: Signal and System Theory Group

CS Project Groups

Title of the PG: AI-Based Software Analysis ChatBot for Security (SASTBot)
Contact person: Jan-Niclas Strüwer, Oshando Johnson
Specialist Group: Secure Software Engineering