Sem­inars of Com­puter Sci­ence

Starting in Winter Semester 2019/20, seminar seats for computer science seminars will be allocated using a central allocation procedure. This procedure runs in 4 phases:

In Phase 1 you register for the central course "All Seminars Winter/Summer Term XXXX" within one week. This course covers the registration for all computer science seminars. Although you can see all seminars in PAUL, a direct registration for the individual seminars is not possible via PAUL.

In Phase 2, you apply to the individual seminars in the Jupyter system by performing assignments provided by the organizers. We recommend to perform assignments in at least 3 (better 5) seminars. We consider more than 5 as unnecessary, but it is possible. As a second step in Phase 2 you define your priorities for ALL seminars. On the basis of your answers to the assignments, the organisers prioritise the students. Students who have not completed an assignment in a seminar automatically receive the lowest priority.

In Phase 3, we apply a Stable Marriage algorithm to calculate a "best possible" solution. In game theory, a problem where students prioritize seminars and the seminars (organizers) prioritize students is called a stable marriage problem.

In Phase 4, you will be notified about the result.

Details on the individual phases can be found here.

The exact dates are:
Phase1: PAUL registration
August 12 - August 18 (timely registration)
August 19 - September 22 (late registration)

Phase 2: Assignments & Preferences
August 20 - September 15

Phase 3: Stable Marriage
September 23

Phase 4: Notification & Decision
September 27


Winter Term 2024/2025