Bundeswirtschaftsminister Habeck wird auf dem Paderborner Rathausplatz empfangen.
Von links: Mario Nowack (Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe), Bürgermeister Michael Dreier, Jonathan Behm (Neue Mobilität Paderborn e.V.), Marcus Zwick (Inyo Mobility GmbH, Konsortialführer NeMo.bil) und Landrat Christoph Rüther. Foto: NeMo Paderborn/Besim Mazhiqi.
On 11 July, Vice Chancellor and Economics Minister Robert Habeck visited the New Mobility Paderborn (NeMo) initiative, whose NeMo.bil project is receiving 17 million euros in funding from his ministry. During an expert discussion in Paderborn's town hall, it became clear that the NeMo.bil project has the potential to revolutionise mobility in rural areas. The NeMo initiative offers valuable approaches to make on-demand mobility in local public…
Foto (Universität Paderborn, Besim Mazhiqi): Im neuen Unterrichtsfach Technik sind Theorie und Praxis vereint, sodass die Lehramtsstudierenden sowohl im Hörsaal als auch in modernen Laboren lernen und arbeiten werden.
In the 38th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Dr. Xiaojun Yang, who talks to our host Marvin Beckmann about starting a business and her own company.
In the summer semester 2024, numerous graduates of the Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Mathematics (EIM) and the PLAZ - Professional School of Education at Paderborn University were given their farewells. In addition to certificates, several prizes were awarded for special commitment or outstanding theses.
In the 37th episode of the “All Day Research” podcast, we welcome Prof. Dr. Lin Wang, who talks to our host Marvin Beckmann about sustainable IoT devices and systems.
On Tuesday, 3 September and Wednesday, 4 September, the SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn invites you to the 18th Paderborn IT Security Day at Zukunftsmeile 2. Originating from the ‘Industry meets IT’ forum, the annual event offers interested parties from universities and industry the opportunity to find out about current IT security topics and exchange experiences.
In the 36th episode of the “All Day Research” podcast, Dr. Jana Seep from the Computer Science Office talks to Professor Dr. Marco Platzner about the combined degree course in Computer Engineering.
Reducing production times, saving costs and identifying errors - artificial intelligence (AI) is an important key to product development. In order to bring users, providers and experts in AI together, eighteen partners from science and industry have developed a digital platform as part of the ‘AI Marketplace’ research project.
New year, new luck! Whether you've been writing for a while and want to expand your writing skills or have just discovered writing for yourself: Apply now! Reapplications are also expressly permitted!
From March 25 to 28, 2024, the "Women Shaping the Information Society" project at Paderborn University invited schoolgirls in grades 7 to 13 to take part in a vacation program that immersed them in the world of STEM subjects and offered them guidance for their future studies.
Out of 39 participating universities worldwide, the team consisting of research assistants and students from the Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Drive Technology at Paderborn University took first place in the model performance category.
Topics such as artificial intelligence (AI) and data science are also becoming increasingly relevant at school. Thanks to a cooperation with Paderborn University, pupils at Gymnasium Theodorianum can regularly deepen their knowledge in this area.
At the start of the summer semester 2024, 60 international students began their master's degree programme at the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics.
In the latest ranking by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), Paderborn University once again receives top marks from students. This year, subjects in the natural sciences, health sciences and social sciences were put to the test. Paderborn University took part in the ranking, which was published today, with the subjects of Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Sociology and Sports.