Re­search Ex­change

We promote exchange of research and discussion about the various, exciting computer science topics, which appear in the technologies of our everyday lives and in the future.

All Day Re­search - Der In­form­atik­pod­cast der Uni­versität Pader­born

Der All Day Research Podcast gibt Einblick in die Wissenschaft und versucht dadurch Studierenden das Studium näher zu bringen, Interesse zu wecken und zu zeigen, wie viel Spaß Forschung und das Informatikstudium an der Universität Paderborn machen können.

Weitere Informationen findet ihr hier.

Com­puter Sci­ence Col­loqui­um

Our Paderborn computer science colloquium affords you the opportunity to have a look at the discipline of computer science. Apart from international guests from the world of science, we also host speakers from the economic sector, to give ideas and opinions on current research topics. Before and after the colloquium presentation, you have the opportunity to exchange experiences and views with other participants.

Films about Com­puter Sci­ence in Pader­born

Imagefilm, Institut für Informatik

Im­age film - In­sti­tute for Com­puter Sci­ence UPB Con­tent (Ger­man)

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In­ter­view with Alan Kay (Ger­man)

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